AEDs: The Vital Equipment No One Wants to Think About
It’s not very often that we tell a customer that we want to sell them an item that we hope they won’t use, but that’s what we’re doing this month. Why this month? June is all about safety. It’s National Safety Month and June 1-7 is National CPR/AED Awareness Week. That brings us to the item we think you need, but hope you won’t have to use: an AED (Automated External Defibrillator).
No one likes to think about one of their coworkers suffering sudden cardiac arrest. It’s scary and stressful, but knowing you’re prepared can bring you some peace of mind. We want to help bring you that peace of mind. That’s why we’re recommending the Zoll AED Plus. Take a look at our video below to find out more about this state-of-the-art machine that acts as a coach in the case of emergency to help you save lives.
If you want to learn more about the Zoll AED Plus, contact us today. We would be happy to schedule a demonstration in your office.